Testing the new APP

Ibercaja and Pensumo carry out tests to test the “Consumption Pension System”, the APP that they are developing in the financial sandbox.

– Las pruebas piloto, tras la firma del Protocolo con la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, se llevan a cabo en dos fases, con la participación de 500 usuarios que podrán utilizar la app en una serie de establecimientos adheridos a Triple, una plataforma agregadora de comercios
– El “Sistema de Pensión por Consumo®” es un servicio digital pionero que tiene como objetivo vincular el ahorro para la jubilación con el consumo, a través del pago en comercios adheridos, descuentos, aportaciones regulares y cantidades estipuladas al cumplir determinados retos
– Esta es una de las dieciocho propuestas seleccionadas, entre un total de sesenta y siete de las presentadas el pasado mes de abril a la primera convocatoria del Sandbox financiero, destinado a la experimentación, evolución y perfeccionamiento de nuevos modelos de negocio que persigue la innovación y disrupción del sistema financiero en España.

Ibercaja and the fintech Pensumo have started the pilot tests of the “Pension System for Consumption®” app that they are developing in the first Financial Sandbox promoted by the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds.

The app, which is available in the iOS and Android stores, will be tested in two phases by 500 users, who will be able to use it in a series of establishments that are members of Triple, a business aggregator platform. It is expected that in this trial period a first version of the evolved application will be launched, with prior testing and computer development of its functionalities.

The purpose of the project is to link savings for retirement with consumption, redirecting the economic flows generated by the daily lifestyle towards the future pension. New functionalities will be incorporated into the application, such as the possibility of reinforcing it with voluntary savings. For this, a digital service has been created based on the Open Banking philosophy, with the possibility of being available in a new mobile application and, in the future, in other systems, such as electronic commerce platforms or in the app itself. Ibercaja.

“Consumption Pension System” is one of the eighteen selected proposals, among a total of sixty-seven presented last April in the first call for financial Sandbox. The Financial Sandbox is a test space that is intended for the experimentation, evolution and improvement of new business models that pursue innovation and disruption of the financial system in Spain.

Tool to boost private savings This initiative aims to modify, in a disruptive way, the mechanisms that until now have been established for contributions for future savings, promoting and linking these savings to the payment made in participating businesses, discounts offered, regular savings contributions that users program through the application, amounts provided by the service itself for the consumption made in affiliated stores, as well as amounts stipulated when overcoming certain challenges. The project will develop and evolve in line with the feedback received from users.


AliciaTesting the new APP